Your prayers and presence at our wedding mean a lot to us and we feel extremely blessed to have you celebrate with us.

For those who would like to express their love and support to us via gifts, please we would prefer only monetary gifts at this time. Please feel free to send in your gifts via the account details below:

We really appreciate your kindness and generosity.

Thank you.

Payment Details

Bank Account Details
  • Account Name: Aniekan Inyang
  • Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank
  • Account Number: 0199939379

Other Payment Details

Nigerian account details:

  • Account name: Emmanuel Bamidele
  • Bank name: UBA
  • Account number: 2053209858

US account details:

Zelle to Aniekan or Emmanuel's phone number. You can reach out to the couple privately if you don't have the number.


PayPal link